Marco Callieri
Tel: (+39)050-3152921
E-mail: marco.callieri AT
Birth: 24-4-1975 Novara, Italy
Residence: Via Francesco Mattai 42, 13045 Gattinara (VC)


As soon as I approached the world of computers I had strong interest in multimedia and computer graphics. I did my master thesis at the National Research Council (CNR) on computer graphics topics.
Since then, I continued working at the CNR in the Visual Computing Lab as a researcher. My working topics are the automatic generation of 3D models through 3D scanning, texture generation, mesh manipulation, large dataset management and rendering.
Most of my more applicative work is related to the use of 3D digital technologies in the field of Cultural Heritage, with special interest to documentation, restoration planning and the creation of tools to support of the study of artifacts.
I have strong interest in real time interactive programs for large 3D environment exploration and manipulation, video games in particular.


Nov 2006 PhD in Computer Science at the Computer Science Department of the Università di Pisa. PhD thesis: “Beyond high-resolution geometry in 3D Cultural Heritage: enhancing visualization realism in interactive contexts”.

July 2001
 Master degree in Computer Science at the Università di Pisa. Master thesis: “Non-photorealistic interactive Rendering”.
1993 Summer course organized by IBM in its educational center in Novedrate (CO): C language and programming techniques.

2005-2006 – “Tecnico esperto in procedure e tecniche di valutazione per la pianificazione del territorio” – University of Pisa, Italy – Faculty of Engineering.
2005 – qualifity of “Operatore informatico” and ECDL Advanced patent – Formatica srl., Pisa, Italy.


2006 Three months Internship at Microsoft Research (Redmond, Washington), working at a visualization/simulation component in the framework of the Microsoft Robotics Studio tool.

2004 Five month internship at the Graphic Lab, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California (Los Angeles). Worked on realistic rendering in virtual reality environments Coordinator: Professor Paul Debevec.

2002 Master degree in Computer Science at the Università di Pisa. Master thesis: “Non-photorealistic interactive Rendering”.

2001 Project contract at Visual Computing Group of National Research Council (CNR). Development of tools for texture generation and management and Maya Plug-in.

2000 Publication of a series of articles regarding the OpenGL library on a computer magazine: “DEV” (Gruppo Editoriale Infomedia srl, Ponsacco (PI)).


2005-2008 Official teaching assignment for the course “Computer Games Laboratory” for the master degree in computer science, University of Pisa.
2004-2005 Official teaching assignment for the course”Real Time Media” for the bachelor degree in computer science, University of Pisa.
2002-2004 Organization and management of the course “Real Time Media” for the bachelor degree in computer science, University of Pisa.


  • M. Callieri, P. Cignoni, F. Ganovelli, G. Impoco, C. Montani, P. Pingi, F. Ponchio, R. Scopigno “Visualization and 3D data processing in David’s restoration”, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, IEEE Comp. Soc., 24(2), March/April 2004, pp. 16-21.
  • M. Callieri, P. Debevec, J. Pair, R. Scopigno “A realtime immersive application with Realistic Lighting: the Parthenon” Computer & Graphics, Volume 30, Number 3, page 368–376 – 2006
  • M. Callieri, P. Cignoni, M. Corsini, R. Scopigno “Masked Photo Blending: mapping dense photographic dataset on high-resolution 3D models” Computer & Graphics, Volume 32, Number 4, page 464–473 – Aug 2008
  • Massimiliano Corsini, Marco Callieri, Paolo Cignoni “Stereo Light Probe” Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 27, Number 2, page 291-300 – 2008
  • Marco Callieri, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno “Reconstructing textured meshes from multiple range + rgb maps” Vision Modelling and Visualization 2002, Int. Conf., Erlangen, 11/2002
  • Andrea Fasano, Marco Callieri, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno “Exploiting Mirrors for Laser Stripe 3D Scanning” 4th 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM 2003), Int. Conf., Banff (Canada), October 6-10, 2003
  • M. Callieri, P. Cignoni, F. Ganovelli, C. Montani, P. Pingi, R. Scopigno “VCLab’s Tools for 3D range data processing” 4 th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage (VAST2003) and First EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Brighton, Nov. 2003
  • M. Callieri, A. Fasano, G. Impoco, P. Cignoni, R. Scopigno, G. Parrini, G. Bigini “RoboScan: an automatic systems for accurate unattended 3D scanning” 2nd Int. Symp. on 3DPVT (3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission), Thessaloniki, Sept.200
  • M. Dellepiane, M. Corsini, M. Callieri, R. Scopigno “High Quality PTM Acquisition: Reflection Transformation Imaging for Large Objects” The 7th International Symposium on VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, nov. 2006
  • I. Besora, P. Brunet, M. Callieri, A. Chica, M. Corsini, M. Dellepiane, D. Morales, J. Moyés, G. Ranzuglia, R. Scopigno “Portalada: A Virtual Reconstruction of the Entrance of the Ripoll Monastero” 3DPVT08: Fourth International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, page 89-96 – June 2008
  • P. Cignoni, M. Callieri, M. Corsini, M. Dellepiane, F. Ganovelli, G. Ranzuglia “MeshLab: an Open-Source Mesh Processing Tool” Sixth Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference, page 129-136 – 2008
  • M. Dellepiane, M. Callieri, M. Corsini, P. Cignoni, R. Scopigno “Flash Lighting Space Sampling” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5496, page 217-229 – may 2009

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