
Poster Printed proteins preview Poster.Zoppè M.
Handling proteins – Tangible models in soft rubber allow composition of complex structures.
XVI FISV Congress. 3R: Research, Resilience, Reprise. Reggia di Portici (Naples), Italy • 14-16 September 2022
colors in biorepresentations paper preview Zoppè M.
Colors in the representation of biological structures.
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics.19(2):20220021. Jul 2022
uciencia paper previewRamos Bermúdez P, Bermúdez PER, Meriño MP, Zoppé M, Loni T, Conyedo EN
Desarrollo de una nueva versión de BioBlender, un módulo de Blender para visualización de biomoléculas.
Rev Cuba Cienc Inform. 15(No. Especial UCIENCIA I):180–99. Nov. 2021
computational design paper preview Alderighi T, Giorgi D, Malomo L, Cignoni P, Zoppè M.
Computational design, fabrication and evaluation of rubber protein models. .
Computers & Graphics; 98:177–87. June 2021
making darkanim previewZoppè M, Loni T, Carlone I, Cianchetta S.
Making of The Dark Anim: Technical and Scientific Notes..
International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW). Kyoto, Japan. IEEE. 2019
3d printed protein paper preview Alderighi T, Giorgi D, Malomo L, Cignoni P, Zoppè M.
Computational Fabrication of Macromolecules to Enhance Perception and Understanding of Biological Mechanisms. .
Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics – Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference. 2019
Poster Printed proteins preview Zoppè M.
Tools and tricks for visualizing proteins in cells: BioBlender and the making of SciVis movies.
In: Baaden M, O’Donoghue S, Sekijima M. Web Molecular Graphics: Emerging Technologies & Standards. NII Shonan Meeting Report. 2019 p. 8-9.
TowardsaperceptiveunderstandingofsizeincellularbiologyZoppè M.
Towards a perceptive understanding of size in cellular biology.
Nature Methods, Vol.14 NO.7 Published: July 2017
PG25_Interni.inddZoppè M.
Comunicare l’invisibile. La rappresentazione visiva di concetti biofisici [Communicating the Invisible- The Visual Representation of Biophysical Concepts].
In Progetto Grafico, N. 25. Monimeric Issue on Scrittura e immagini nel dominio della scienza [Text and Image in the Scientific Realm]
IntuitiveRepresentationOfSurfaceWithBlenderAndrei R.M. et al.
Intuitive representation of surface properties of biomolecules using BioBlender.
BMC Bioinformatics 2012, 13(Suppl 4):S16. Published: 28 March 2012
Vedere_l_invisibileZoppè M.
Vedere l’invisibile.
In “Le Scienze“, the Italian edition of the international scientific magazine “Scientific American“, N.515, in July 2011
EMBO 2011 PosterAndrei R. M. et al.
BioBlender: Visualizing Biology Using Blender
EMBO 2011. Seeing is Believing – Imaging the Processes of Life, 17-20 March 2011, Heidelberg, Germany
9th BC2. Basel Computational Biology Conference, 23-24 Jun 2011, Basel, Switzerland
3Dsig 2011. Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics, 15-16 July 2011, Vienna, Austria
BioBlender_tutorialBioBlender tutorial by Raluca, Mike and Monica.
BioBlender: Blender for Biologists.
BlenderArt magazine N.31, in December 2010.
PosterECCBPoster. Andrei R. et al.
Intuitive visualization of surface properties of proteins
ECCB10. 9th European Conference on Computational Biology, 26-29 September 2010, Ghent, Belgium
BITS 2010. Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society 14-16 April 2010, Bari, Italy
spidergl_2010Callieri M. et al.
Visualization Methods for Molecular Studies on the Web Platform.
The Web3D 2010 Conference. 15th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. 22 – 24 July 2010. Los Angeles, California
Zoppè M.
Blender for biology: The making of Protein Expressions – Study N.2
Proceeding of the Blender Conference, Amsterdam 2009. 22 – 26 October 2009. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Poster. Zini MF, Andrei R, Loni T, Cianchetta S, Callieri M, Zoppè M.
Blender for biology: Game Engine for molecular animation and special effects for chemical and physical behavior.
Gordon Research Conference 2009. Visualization in Science and Education. 26-31 July 2009, Magdalen College, Oxford, UK.
ISMB ECCB 2009. 17th ISMB – 8th ECCB. 27 June – 2 July 2009, Stockholm, Sweden A recorded presentation of this poster is here.
Poster. Porozov Y, Andrei R., Zoppè M.
Visualization and modelling of protein motion. Autodesk Maya as a reliable and fast instrument for macromolecular dynamic representation.
ISMB ECCB 2009. 17th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology –
8th European Conference on Computational Biology. 27 June – 2 July 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Poster. Zini M.F., Loni T., Andrei R., Zoppè M.
Using 3D Animation Software for the analysis of protein motion.
BITS 2009. Sixth Annual Meeting of the bioinformatic Italian Society. 18 – 20 March 2009, Genova, Italy
Zoppè M. et al.
Using Blender for molecular animation and scientific representation.
Proceedings of the Blender Conference 2008. 24 – 26 October 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
A recording of the presentation at the Conference can be seen here.
Poster. Zoppè M., Porozov Y., Andrei R.
Visualization of biological processes using 3D animation.
GARR Conferenza 2007. Network Humanitatis. Un filo di luce che unisce il sapere. 29 – 31 Ottobre 2007- Teatro Palladium, Roma, Italia.
Gordon Research Conference 2007. Visualization in Science and Education. 1 – 6 July 2007, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI , USA.
Poster. Andrei R., Porozov Y., Zoppè M..
3D visualization of biomolecules: representation of surface properties.
ISMB-ECCB 2007. 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology – 6th European Conference on Computational Biology. 21 – 25 July 2007, Vienna, Austria.
Porozov Y., Andrei A., Zoppè M.
Visualization of moving biomolecules: a new approach based on professional 3D animation software.
Nettab 2007. Network Tools and Applications in Biology. 12 – 15 June 2007, Computer Science Department, University of Pisa, Italy.
Poster. Porozov Y., Andrei R., Monti S., Zoppè M. .
Visualization and modelling of moving biomolecules: A new approach based on professional 3D animation software.
ECCB 2006. 5th European Conference on Computational Biology. 21 – 24 January 2007, Eilat, Israel

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